Friday, May 29, 2009

Book of Mormon Haiku - 1st Nephi 22

Covenants reveal'd

Wrath: blood, fire, vapor of smoke

Righteous need not fear

1 Nephi 22 - Israel shall be scattered upon all the face of the earth; The gentiles shall nurse and nourish Israel with the gospel in the last days; Israel shall be gathered and saved, and the wicked shall burn as stubble; The kingdom of the devil shall be destroyed, and Satan shall be bound.

As Nephi explains the prophecies of Isaiah to his brothers, and speaks of the foundation of a mighty nation upon the lands of the children of Lehi, followed by the teaching of the gospel to the scattered tribes of Israel throughout the earth, followed by the testimony of blood and fire and vapor of smoke, he four times states that the righteous will be saved and need not fear.

1 comment:

Belle said...

you're so good at these :)

I always take great comfort in that last phrase.