Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Aleph - The Beatitude


Psalm 119:1-8
"Blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord."


Stacy Emmons said...

Dad! I like it. I'm glad you finally recorded it.


Belle said...

Dad, I really LOVE this song. Thank you SO much for recording and posting it! ^_^ I'm really excited that you have a blog and a place to put your thoughts and songs!!!!! YAY! (((hugs))) I love the song and am happy to have a way of listening to it and letting the girls hear their Papa singing! ^_^

Becca said...

Ummm.... okay, so how come my daddy didn't tell me that he had a blog?! I had to find it out all on my own. But I'm really glad you got a blog!!! Because now I can listen to all your new songs and, hey- this could be another avenue for lecture time!! ;)

Stacy Emmons said...

Just for all you that he hasn't clued in, this is the first of a series of songs he's writing with the text from Psalms 119.

We have Todd to thank for that. =]

Gordon True said...

Awesome! It takes serious talent to put verses to music using the exact wording.